FS Flowline

Substantially Reduce Rig-Up Time

Faster Rig Up, Increased Reliability, Cleaner Frac Site

FS Flowline is a frac manifold featuring quick-connect clamps to connect and transfer frac fluid between the frac tree and frac manifold, significantly reducing rig-up time. With fewer, more robust connections than traditional frac iron, FS Flowline reduces costly leaks. And it replaces traditional zipper manifolds, minimizing location footprint for a cleaner wellsite and reduced employee exposure.


Significantly Reduce Downtime

  • Significantly reduces multi-well rig-up time

Reduce Unplanned Operating Costs

  • Reduces potential leak paths and failure points
  • Enhanced serviceability and response time

Reduce Employee Exposure

  • Fewer connections mean less employee exposure to assembly safety hazards
  • Reduces wellsite footprint


  • Single & multi-well hydraulic
  • Run on traditional frac stacks or in combination with FS Completion System


  • 2 quick-connect clamps connect the frac tree to the frac manifold
  • Flexible design for any wellsite layout requirements

Interested in learning more about FS Flowline or the FS Completion System?


Or Call Us Now: ‪(405) 248-9501‬

Delivering freedom from…

white Cost

Unplanned Costs

white Time


white Safety

Red Zone Risks