The Fastest, Most Efficient Completion Solution

Average Completion Time Improves by 43% for Large Independent Operator

Powder River Basin

Major Operator Moves from Last Quartile to 1st, Realizes 57% Efficiency Gain

Bakken Basin, USA

~30 Days Saved on 5-Well Pad, Projected Costs Savings of $4.5M

Permian Basin, USA

Operator Performs 73% Better than All-Operator Basin Average 

Powder River Basin, USA

Independent Operator Achieves 98% Operational Efficiency

Permian Basin, USA

Frac Faster than Ever

At Downing, we’re changing the way the industry fracs. We’ve engineered the industry’s first remotely-operated frac stack with efficiency and safety in mind. This integrated system is comprised of a multi-chamber hydraulic valve, quick-connect latch and automated ball dropper that enables continuous frac operations even on the most complex completions. The result? Fewer days on well, increased rate of well completion, vastly reduced repair time, and red zone-free operations –  all while saving you from the daily (and hourly) headaches of traditional plug and perf operations.

  • Automation reduces human error and associated NPT/unplanned costs
  • Maximizes operational efficiency, up to 98%
  • Reduces repair costs by up to 93%
  • Increases daily stage completions
  • Increases wells completed per frac crew per year
  • Eliminates risk of cutting wireline
  • Eliminates red zone operations
  • Provides dual barrier above frac head
  • Eliminates backside pump and operator
  • Eliminates accidental pressure release
  • Eliminates risk of opening/closing wrong valve
  • Delivers automated metrics
Three FS Valves from Downing are shown above frac stacks.

Continuous Operations

How It Works

The FSCS brings continuous frac operations to plug and perf operations. Compared to conventional methods, transition times are reduced up to 95%, valve greasing and repair costs are significantly reduced, valve failures and cut wireline anre essentially eliminated, and red-zone operations are a thing of the past. Watch our video to learn more.

Delivering First-Quartile Results

Witht he FS Completion System (FSCS), we’re moving operators to best-in-class efficiency. Through continuous operations, the FSCS reduces your stimulation days while reducing costs per well. Check out the case study to see how we moved 2 operators in the Bakken Basin to the first quartile.

Frac Faster with Downing

With the FS Completion System, we’ll deliver continuous plug & perf operations and improve your rate of well completion – all while delivering you freedom from downtime, unplanned costs and safety risks. Contact us to learn more.

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    Red Zone Risks