The Freedom Series Completion System with iControl eliminates the issues that prevent continuous pumping.
The Freedom Series Completion System with iControl integrates and automates the entire surface system into one. From automated fill, equalize, and drain to instant transitions, the Freedom Series Completion System with iControl enables continuous pumping. With a simple, single click, the system transitions the zipper valves from one well to the other, opening the second well and subsequently shutting-in the first well, all while pumping. The transition is instantaneous and the total time between stages is less than 30 seconds. All data analytics are automated giving you easy access to the information. Whether a zipper frac or simulfrac, the Freedom Series Completion System with iControl simplifies your operation.
Watch as the Freedom Series Completion System with iControl transitions from 2-wells to 2-wells, actuating 11 valves and initiating greasing on each valve, all in less than 40 seconds while still pumping.
The benefits of the continuous pumping accrue to both the operator and the pumper. For the operator, lower cost frac operations and bringing on production faster. For the pumper, up to a 50% increase in pump utilization translating into higher returns on capital deployed. To illustrate, assume a pumper fleet, with 32 crews, averages 16 hrs pumping per day, moving this to 23.5 hrs/day adds the equivalent of 13 crews without additional capital spend, representing a step change in completion efficiency analogous to the efficiency gains seen in drilling 20+ years ago when the industry transitioned from tricones to PDC bits.
Traditional frac operations combine human driven processes with multiple surface system vendors on a site. When an error occurs resulting in NPT, the limited, non-granular data available is not enough to identify the true root cause, resulting in finger pointing among the multiple vendors. The typical resolution is more processes, another checklist, more people, and/or more training. When an issue occurs with the Freedom Series Completion System, the data available enables Downing to pinpoint the issue and engineer it out, eliminating the issue and permanently improving the system. This NPT becomes a one-time issue versus an issue occurring repeatedly with human driven workflows.
Automated Lubricator
Automated Valve Controller with iControl
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Unplanned Costs
Red Zone Risks